Personal work

Wet plate portraits -work in process

Also known as ambryotypes or a collodion positive photograph. It is made preparing a “wet plate” using various chemicals, on which the image is captured, resulting in an image on glass.

It is an intricate magical process of preparing, taking and processing.

Kids portraits

Inspired by the authentic energies kids carry and the complexities of growing up with the never ending search of who we are as individuals, I realise how precious the various stages of childhood are and how they are the foundation of who we become.

“A part of your making,
Etched deep into your bones.
It is held in your heart and shimmers through your soul
It cannot be taken, abused or stolen.
For it is yours alone to hold and speak with.
This wild ensured place within, is waiting for you to remember, to reach out and listen.
So you can feel love and support from deep in your centre and out onto your skin” - words by Bridgitte Anna Mcneil