Devon brand photographer with SEO specialist Milk it digital
I am excited to share this lovely brand photo shoot with Milk it digital, I did at the end of last summer on the Moors.
Alice from Milk It, is an SEO specialist who helps businesses boost their online presence and she is such a pleasure to work with. She doesn t fit the image most people might have in their minds, thinking about an average technical SEO specialist and that is exactly what she asked me to portray in this shoot. I wanted to capture her sense of style and adventure, which makes her stand out in her field..
So we took to the Moors and caught the last bit of lush afternoon sun and had a great time rummaging through fields and climbing tors. My kinda shoot!
Big respect for her showing up at this personal branding shoot with courage as he has a big fear of hights. The crazy winds blowing hard whilst climbing tors didn t help.
So much to love about this shoot and if you are looking to sort out your business SEO wise, I wholeheartedly recommend seeking out business in any of the following places…